This adventure story of some 23,000 words is intended mainly for boys aged 8/9 upwards (although some girls could well enjoy it). It deals with the difficulties encountered by 13 year old Jack Banks when sent to a boarding school in England. His parents remain in S.W.Asia where his father is an agricultural adviser for the United Nations. Jack's initial reception is tough for a shy boy, but he survives this and makes new friends, especially Ginger and a comically valiant small boy known as Mickey.
Jack's troubles increase when he is asked to look after Themba, the extrovert son of a famous scientist, a black American Professor. This task takes him on a venture well outside the school walls. In the process Jack makes the biggest discovery of his life.
[Scene above is from Chapter 8]
This novel has also been published in Kindle digital format for downloading to their Kindle reader. As a consequence the text is no longer available for free down-loading. But the Kindle version only costs 77p although you must have a Kindle reader, IPad or similar. A loose-leaf @hard' copy can still be bought from John G Acton direct - see main Pianist Storyteller Blog
To access the Kindle version click JACK-BANKS-DISCOVERY
A sequel to the above story is called "Jack Banks on Trial" - see separate blog
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